How to Break 80 in Golf

Written By TJ Biggs

Breaking 80 is a major milestone for any golfer. It requires skill, strategy, and mental toughness. While it may seem like an impossible task, with the right approach and mindset, breaking 80 can be within reach for many golfers. 

In this article, I’ll cover some tips and strategies to help you break 80 and take your game to the next level. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced golfer, these tips will help you improve your game and achieve your goal of breaking 80.

  • Importance of setting realistic goals
  • Analyzing your golf game
  • Improving your swing
  • Sharpening your short game
  • Enhancing your putting skills
  • Developing mental toughness
  • Improving your course management
  • Understanding club selection
  • Staying fit for golf

Setting Realistic Goals

One of the most important steps in breaking 80 is setting realistic goals for yourself. Having a clear idea of what you want to achieve and how you plan to get there can help you stay motivated and focused on your game. Here are some tips for setting and achieving realistic goals:

Importance of setting goals in golf:

Setting goals is a crucial part of improving your game and achieving success on the course. By setting specific and measurable goals, you give yourself something to strive for and a way to track your progress. Without goals, it can be easy to become complacent and stagnate in your game.

Examples of realistic goals for breaking 80:

When setting goals for breaking 80, it’s important to be realistic and take into account your current skill level and strengths and weaknesses on the course. Here are some examples of realistic goals for breaking 80:

  • Lower your average score by 2-3 strokes per round
  • Improve your putting to average 30 putts per round
  • Increase your fairways hit to 8-10 per round
  • Improve your up-and-down percentage to 50%
  • Reduce your penalty strokes to 1-2 per round

Tips for tracking progress towards goals:

Once you’ve set your goals, it’s important to track your progress towards achieving them. Here are some tips for tracking your progress:

  • Keep a detailed record of your rounds, including fairways hit, greens in regulation, putts, and penalty strokes.
  • Use a golf app or online tool to track your progress over time and identify areas for improvement.
  • Set smaller, achievable goals along the way to keep yourself motivated and focused on your overall goal of breaking 80.
  • Analyze your stats regularly to identify areas where you’re making progress and where you need to improve.

By setting realistic goals and tracking your progress towards achieving them, you’ll be well on your way to breaking 80 and taking your game to the next level.

Analyzing Your Golf Game:

Once you’ve set your goals for breaking 80, the next step is to analyze your golf game. This process involves assessing your strengths and weaknesses and identifying areas for improvement. Here are some tips for analyzing your golf game:

Assessing Strengths and Weaknesses in Your Game:

To break 80 in golf, you need to have a good understanding of your strengths and weaknesses. Analyzing your game can help you identify areas where you excel and areas that need improvement. 

Some areas to consider include your driving accuracy, iron play, short game, and putting. Understanding your strengths and weaknesses can help you develop a plan to improve your game and reach your goals.

Identifying Areas for Improvement:

Once you’ve assessed your strengths and weaknesses, the next step is to identify areas for improvement. Some common areas for improvement include hitting more fairways and greens, reducing the number of putts per round, and improving your up-and-down percentage. 

By identifying areas for improvement, you can focus your practice on the areas you need to improve most.

Tools and Resources for Analyzing Your Golf Game:

There are a number of different tools and resources you can use to analyze your game. Some of these tools include:

  • Shot tracking apps: Shot tracking apps allow you to record your shots and analyze your performance on the course. Some popular shot tracking apps include Golfshot, Arccos Golf, and MyRoundPro.
  • Golf simulators: Golf simulators provide a virtual experience of playing on the course, allowing you to analyze your swing and ball flight. Simulators like TrackMan, Foresight, and Flightscope are popular options.
  • Golf coaches: A golf coach can help you analyze your game and identify areas for improvement. A coach can also provide guidance and feedback on your swing, short game, and putting.

Sharpening Your Short Game:

The short game is often referred to as the “scoring” part of your game, and it’s where many golfers can gain the most strokes. Improving your short game can be the key to breaking 80, so let’s take a look at some techniques and tips for sharpening your short game.

Explanation of the Short Game and Its Importance:

The short game consists of shots from around the green, such as chipping, pitching, and bunker shots. These shots require a delicate touch and precise execution, and they can have a significant impact on your score. 

It is estimated that up to 50% of shots come from inside 100 yards of the green. Showing that improving your short game can be a game-changer when it comes to breaking 80.

Techniques for Improving Chipping and Pitching:

  • Use the bounce of the club: When chipping and pitching, use the bounce of the club to slide the clubhead under the ball and make clean contact. This technique can help prevent thin or fat shots and provide better control over the ball.
  • Practice with different clubs: Try using different clubs for chipping and pitching shots to find the one that works best for you. Experiment with using a wedge, 8-iron, or 7-iron to see which one provides the best results.
  • Work on your trajectory: Adjusting the trajectory of your chips and pitches can help you get closer to the hole. Try hitting higher or lower shots to find the right trajectory for each shot.
  • Maintain your weight: Keeping your weight 60% on your leading side throughout the swing will help you strike your chips better, and prevent you duffing or thinning the ball.

Tips for Mastering Bunker Shots:

  • Open your clubface: When hitting a bunker shot, open your clubface to add loft and help the ball fly higher. This technique can also prevent the club from digging into the sand.
  • Hit behind the ball: Aim to hit the sand behind the ball (about 1.5 inches), not the ball itself. This technique allows the sand to lift the ball out of the bunker and onto the green.
  • Practice different lies: Practice hitting bunker shots from different lies, including uphill, downhill, and buried lies. This practice can help you feel more comfortable with a variety of bunker shots.

Improving your short game is key to breaking 80 in golf. By using these techniques and tips, it will be much easier to break 80.

Enhancing Your Putting Skills:

Putting is a crucial part of the game, and it’s where many golfers struggle the most. To break 80, it’s essential to improve your putting skills. Let’s take a look at why putting is so important and some techniques and tips for improving your putting game.

Importance of Putting in Breaking 80:

Putting can make or break your score in a round of golf. On average, 40% of your shots are putts, so even small improvements in your putting game can lead to significant gains on the scorecard. 

The closer you can get to the hole on your approach shots, the more manageable your putts will be, so having strong putting skills can improve your entire game.

Putting Techniques to Improve Your Game:

  • Develop a consistent stroke: A consistent stroke is essential for accurate putting. Work on developing a smooth, rhythmic stroke that feels natural to you. Keep your hands and arms relaxed, and focus on making solid contact with the ball.
  • Practice distance control: Distance control is crucial for making putts at different lengths. Practice hitting putts from different distances to develop a feel for the amount of power you need to apply to each putt.
  • Use proper alignment: Proper alignment is essential for accurate putting. Align your putter face with the target, and position your body so that your eyes are directly over the ball.

Tips for Reading Greens and Making Putts:

Reading greens and making putts can be challenging, but with practice, you can improve your skills. Here are some tips to help you read greens and make putts

  • Pay attention to the slope: The slope of the green can affect the direction and speed of your putts. Look for subtle breaks in the green, and adjust your aim and speed accordingly.
  • Visualize the putt: Before hitting your putt, visualize the ball rolling into the hole. This technique can help you focus and make a more confident stroke.
  • Read the grain: The direction of the grain on the green can affect the speed and direction of your putts. Putts hit with the grain will be faster, while putts hit against the grain will be slower. Keep this in mind when reading the green. 
  • Identifying the grain: Generally when looking from your ball to the hole if the grass is light or shiny then it is down grain. If the grass is darker it is into the grain. 

Improving your putting skills can have a massive impact on your game and help you break 80. By using these techniques and tips, you can start making more putts and lowering your score.

Developing Mental Toughness:

Golf is not just a physical game, but also a mental game. Developing mental toughness can help you maintain focus, stay confident, and perform well under pressure. Let’s take a look at what the mental game in golf entails and some strategies and tips for developing mental toughness.

Explanation of the Mental Game in Golf:

The mental game in golf involves a player’s mental approach to the game, including their attitude, thoughts, and emotions. A player’s mental state can have a significant impact on their performance. 

For example, negative thoughts and emotions can lead to tension and mistakes, while a positive mindset can lead to relaxed and confident play.

Strategies for Staying Focused and Confident:

  • Develop a pre-shot routine: A pre-shot routine can help you stay focused and calm before hitting your shots. It can involve taking a deep breath, visualizing your shot, and aligning your body and clubface.
  • Focus on the process, not the outcome: Focusing on the process of making your shots, rather than the outcome of the round, can help you stay present and focused on each shot.
  • Stay positive: Try to maintain a positive attitude and focus on your strengths rather than your weaknesses. Celebrate your successes and learn from your mistakes.

Tips for Handling Pressure Situations:

  • Stay calm and focused: Take deep breaths and try to stay calm and focused, even in high-pressure situations.
  • Visualize success: Visualize yourself making the shot successfully, and focus on the positive outcome.
  • Break down the situation: Break down the situation into smaller, manageable steps. Focus on making one good shot at a time, rather than getting ahead of yourself.
  • Breathe: Focusing on your breathing is a great way to handle pressure, naturally when we are under pressure our breathing increases and therefore our heart rate increases. Focusing on slowing down your breathing will in turn lower your heart rate, which will help you perform better under pressure.

Developing mental toughness takes practice, but it can have a significant impact on your game. 

By using these strategies and tips, you can develop the mental toughness you need to stay focused, confident, and perform well under pressure.

Improving Your Course Management:

Course management involves understanding course strategy, making smart decisions on the course, and using course management techniques to optimize your play. Let’s take a closer look at how you can improve your course management skills.

Understanding Course Strategy:

Course strategy involves developing a plan for how to play each hole on the course. This includes factors such as the layout of the hole, the placement of hazards, and the location of the green. 

By understanding course strategy, you can make more informed decisions and improve your chances of playing each hole successfully.

Tips for Making Smart Decisions on the Course:

  • Play to your strengths: Identify your strengths as a golfer and play to them. For example, if you have a strong drive, consider using it to your advantage on longer holes. If you cannot play a draw, don’t take on a shot that requires you to play a draw.
  • Consider risk vs. reward: Evaluate the risks and rewards of each shot before making a decision. Sometimes it’s better to play it safe and take a higher percentage shot than to take a risky shot that could result in a penalty or lost ball.
  • Stay focused on your game: Don’t get distracted by other players or external factors. Stay focused on your own game and make decisions that are in your best interest.

Examples of Course Management Techniques:

  • Use the right club: Choose the right club for each shot based on the distance and the lie. For example, if you’re in the rough, you may need to use a higher lofted club to get the ball out.
  • Aim for the center of the green: When in doubt, aim for the center of the green. This can help you avoid hazards and give you a better chance of making par.
  • Play to a specific spot: Instead of just hitting the ball as far as possible, aim for a specific spot on the fairway or green. This can help you avoid hazards and set up your next shot.

By improving your course management skills, you can make smarter decisions on the course and optimize your play.

Understanding Club Selection:

Club selection is a very important part of golf and can have a big impact on your game. Choosing the right club for the shot can mean the difference between success and failure. 

In this section, we’ll explore the importance of club selection and provide tips for choosing the right club for the shot.

Importance of Club Selection in Golf:

Club selection is important because different clubs are designed for different types of shots. Each club has a specific purpose, and using the wrong club can result in a poor shot or even a penalty stroke. 

By understanding the characteristics of each club and choosing the right club for the shot, you can improve your accuracy and consistency on the course.

Tips for Choosing the Right Club for the Shot:

  • Know your distances: It’s important to know how far you can hit each club in your bag. This will help you choose the right club for the shot based on the distance to the target.
  • Consider the lie: The lie of the ball can affect which club you should use. For example, if the ball is sitting up on the fairway, you may be able to use a lower lofted club to hit it farther.
  • Take into account the wind: Wind can have a significant impact on the flight of the ball. If there is a strong headwind, you may need to use a higher lofted club to get the ball in the air.
  • Consider the hazards: The location of hazards such as bunkers and water can also affect which club you should use. You may need to choose a club that can clear the hazard or avoid it altogether.
  • Height: Knowing how high or low your clubs go can become very beneficial. This will help you in situations when you either need to get over or under an obstacle. 

By understanding the importance of club selection and following these tips for choosing the right club for the shot, you can improve your accuracy and consistency on the course.

Staying Fit for Golf:

Fitness plays a vital role in golf. In this section, we’ll discuss the importance of fitness in golf, provide exercises to improve your golf game, and offer tips for staying healthy and injury-free.

Importance of Fitness in Golf:

Golf requires a combination of strength, flexibility, and endurance. A good level of fitness can improve your golf swing, help you hit the ball farther, and prevent injuries. 

Golfers who are in good physical condition also have better stamina and can maintain their focus and concentration throughout the round.

Exercises to Improve Your Golf Game:

  • Core exercises: The core muscles play a significant role in the golf swing. Exercises such as planks, sit-ups, and Russian twists can help strengthen your core and improve your stability and balance.
  • Flexibility exercises: Golf requires a wide range of motion, and flexibility exercises can help improve your swing. Yoga and stretching exercises can help improve your flexibility and prevent injury.
  • Strength training: Strength training exercises such as squats, lunges, and bench presses can help increase your overall strength and power.

Tips for Staying Healthy and Injury-Free:

  • Warm-up: Always warm up before playing golf. A proper warm-up can help prevent injury and improve your performance on the course.
  • Practice good posture: Good posture is essential for a proper golf swing. Maintaining good posture can also help prevent injury.
  • Use proper technique: Using proper technique when swinging the club can help prevent injury and improve your game.
  • Stay hydrated: Dehydration can affect your performance and increase the risk of injury. Make sure to drink plenty of water and other fluids throughout the round.
  • Maintain energy levels: Making sure you have enough ‘fuel’ in your body is extremely important. Be sure to eat before your round, and maintain your energy levels by snacking on dried fruits, nuts or energy bars throughout your round.

By incorporating these exercises and tips into your golf routine, you can improve your fitness level, prevent injury, and enhance your performance on the course.


Breaking 80 in golf is a significant milestone for any golfer. By following the tips and strategies discussed in this article, you can improve your game and achieve this goal. Here’s a summary of the key points covered in this article:

  • Setting realistic goals is an essential first step in breaking 80 in golf.
  • Analyzing your golf game can help identify areas for improvement.
  • Sharpening your short game and enhancing your putting skills are crucial for improving your scores.
  • Developing mental toughness and improving your course management can help you stay focused and make smart decisions on the course.
  • Understanding club selection and staying fit for golf can improve your overall game and prevent injury.

I encourage all golfers to implement these tips and strategies into their own game. Remember to set realistic goals, analyze your game, and focus on improving your short game, putting skills, mental toughness, course management, club selection, and fitness level.

In conclusion, breaking 80 in golf takes practice, dedication, and patience. By following the tips and strategies outlined in this article, you can achieve this goal and improve your overall game. I wish you the best of luck on your journey to breaking 80!