A Breakdown Of The Interlock Grip In Golf

Written By TJ Biggs

A good grip is the foundation upon which every successful golf swing is built. As a beginner golfer, understanding and mastering the proper grip technique is crucial to developing consistency and power in your shots.

The interlock grip is used by some of the world’s best like Rory McIlroy, Tiger Woods and Jack Nicklaus.

In this post, we will help you understand the interlock grip and how to implement it into your golf game. Whether you’re a complete novice or a golfer looking to refine your technique, the interlock grip offers a promising approach to improving your swing.

By adopting the interlock grip, you’ll learn to connect your hands in a way that enhances your ability to generate power, maintain control, and achieve a more fluid and synchronized golf swing. 

How to Interlock Grip a Golf Club: Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Start with Proper Hand Placement: Stand in a comfortable stance with your golf club in front of you. For right-handed golfers, place your left hand on the club first. Align the club’s grip diagonally across your fingers, so it rests just below the base of your fingers and above the palm. Your left thumb should point down the shaft.
  1. Create a “V” Shape: Close your left hand around the grip and wrap your fingers securely around it. The pad of your left thumb should rest on top of the grip, creating a “V” shape between your thumb and index finger. This “V” should be pointing towards your right shoulder.
  1. Intertwine the Right Pinky: Now, with your left hand gripping the club, take your right hand and place it on the club below your left hand. Position your right hand so that the little finger (pinky) of your right hand interlocks with the index finger of your left hand. The right thumb should rest slightly left of center on the grip, pointing down the shaft.
  1. Finishing Touches: With your right hand in place, complete the grip by wrapping your right hand’s fingers securely around the club. The right palm should face the target, and the pad of your right thumb should fit snugly against the left thumb. This overlapping grip creates a unified connection between your hands.
  1. Check Grip Pressure: Ensure that your grip pressure is firm yet relaxed. Gripping the club too tightly can hinder your swing and cause tension in your hands and arms. Experiment with different pressures to find the balance that feels comfortable and allows for a fluid swing.
  1. Maintain Consistency: Consistency is key with the interlock grip. Practice gripping the club using the interlock grip repeatedly until it becomes natural and consistent. Regular repetition will help you develop muscle memory and ensure a reliable grip every time you hit the golf ball.

Advantages of the Interlock Grip in Golf:

Increased Stability:

One of the main advantages of the interlock grip is the enhanced stability it provides. By intertwining the fingers, the interlock grip creates a solid connection between the hands and the club, minimizing unwanted hand movement during the swing. This stability promotes greater control over the clubface, leading to more accurate shots.

Improved Power:

The interlock grip creates a connection between your hands as well as the club. This can result in increased clubhead speed and greater distance on shots.

Enhanced Control:

The interlock grip promotes control between the hands, which is crucial for consistent ball striking. With the hands working together more effectively, it becomes easier to square the clubface at impact and maintain control over the direction of the shot.

Comfort and Feel:

Many golfers find the interlock grip to be comfortable and natural once they become accustomed to it.


The interlock grip is versatile and can be adapted to suit different swing styles and hand sizes. Golfers with smaller hands may find the interlock grip preferable to other grip styles, as it allows for a secure connection without excessive tension.

Familiarity Among Top Players:

The interlock grip has been favored by numerous top professional golfers, including legends like Jack Nicklaus and Tiger Woods. Its popularity among elite players indicates its effectiveness in achieving consistent and successful results.

Common Mistakes with the Interlock Grip:

Incorrect Hand Placement:

One common mistake with the interlock grip is improper hand placement. This can occur when the hands are in a too strong or too weak position, leading to an unstable grip and a loss of control during the swing.

Gripping Too Tightly:

Gripping the club too tightly is another frequent error. This can create tension in the hands, wrists, and arms, hindering the natural flow of the swing and reducing clubhead speed.

Tips to Overcome These Mistakes:

1. Hand Placement:

Ensure that your hands are positioned correctly on the grip. The grip should be in the fingers of your hands. Double-check that the “V” formed between the thumb and index finger of the left hand is pointing towards your right shoulder.

2. Proper Grip Pressure:

Maintain a firm yet relaxed grip pressure. Avoid squeezing the club too tightly, as it can restrict the natural movement of the wrists and arms. Practice holding the club with a grip pressure that allows for control without excessive tension.

3. Consistent Rehearsals:

Regularly rehearse your grip before every shot during practice sessions. This helps reinforce proper hand placement and grip pressure, making it easier to replicate during actual rounds. Taking a few moments to ensure a correct grip can significantly impact your overall swing.

4. Seek Professional Guidance:

If you’re struggling to correct grip-related mistakes on your own, consider seeking advice from a qualified golf instructor or PGA professional. They can provide personalized guidance, analyze your grip, and offer specific tips and drills to help you overcome any errors.

Interlock Grip vs. Overlap Grip: Which is Better?

The Overlap Grip (Vardon Grip):

The overlap grip, also known as the Vardon grip, is another popular grip style in golf. It gets its name from Harry Vardon, a legendary golfer who popularized this grip technique. In the overlap grip, the little finger of the right hand rests on top of or overlaps the index finger of the left hand. The rest of the hand placement is similar to the interlock grip.

Comparison Of The Two:

Comfort and Feel: The overlap grip often feels more natural to golfers with larger hands. The little finger of the right hand resting on top of the left hand’s index finger allows for a comfortable and secure connection. Some golfers also find that the overlap grip provides a better sense of feel and touch in their shots.

Power and Control: Both the interlock grip and the overlap grip can generate power and control when executed correctly. However, some golfers argue that the interlock grip offers slightly more stability and control due to the interlocking of the fingers.

Hand Size and Flexibility: Hand size and flexibility can influence the choice between the two grips. Golfers with smaller hands might find the interlock grip more suitable, as it provides a tighter connection between the hands. Conversely, golfers with larger hands might prefer the overlap grip, as it allows for a more comfortable fit.

What To Considering When Choosing Between The Two:

Personal Preference: The choice between the interlock grip and the overlap grip ultimately comes down to personal preference. Some golfers naturally gravitate towards one grip over the other based on comfort, feel, or past experience.

Hand Size and Flexibility: Consider your hand size and flexibility when deciding on a grip style. Experiment with both grips and see which one feels more secure and natural in your hands.

Instruction and Guidance: Seek guidance from a golf professional or instructor who can assess your swing and recommend the grip that best suits your individual needs. They can also provide feedback on grip technique and help you make any necessary adjustments.

Our final thoughts on the interlock grip:

The interlock grip offers increased stability, improved power transfer, enhanced control, comfort, and versatility. Its popularity among top players such as Jack Nicklaus, Tiger Woods, Rory McIlroy, and Michelle Wie attests to its effectiveness in achieving success on the golf course.

However, it’s important to note that choosing the right grip is subjective and depends on personal preference, hand size, and flexibility. The overlap grip, also known as the Vardon grip, provides an alternative option for golfers to consider.

We encourage you to practice and experiment with different grips to find the one that feels most comfortable and natural to you. Seek guidance from a golf professional or instructor who can analyze your swing and provide valuable feedback on grip technique.